Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Solar Project in Lawrence, MA

Hi! Dylan here. So I was heading up to a swim meet in Lawrence and when we got off the exit there was a big plot of solar panels. This shows how a lotos communities are going green with projects like this. Comment if you see a solar or some other green energy project around you. This is Dylan, signing off.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Unite to Solve Problems Cool Globe

Unite to Solve Problems

The Cool Globes project––indeed this very exhibit––is proof positive that a little collaboration goes a long way. A true community effort, Cool Globes sprang to life nearly seven years ago thanks to the coming together of inspired artists and countless corporate, government, and non-profit organizations. Next time you find yourself asking, "What on earth can I do?" Remember, what is overwhelming for one, is rendered possible simply by individuals uniting together.

Artist: Michelle Maynerick, "Unite to Solve climate change ”

P.S.  Yet another Cool Globe with the theme of how much we can accomplish by working together.  Will you join me in fighting climate change today? -Liam

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Commercial Recycling Cool Globe

Commercial Recycling

What a waste! Approximately 35%–45% of discarded waste in the United States is generated by businesses. A good part of this waste stream can be reduced, recycled, and reused. Businesses can conduct waste audits and implement waste reduction and recycling programs. These practices not only save businesses money, but also conserve energy and natural resources, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The state of Massachusetts offers the WasteWise program, geared towards helping organizations help reduce their waste output. In most cases, recycling services are privately arranged and tailored to the specific needs of your business. Besides the usual paper and plastic, businesses may recycle pallets, textiles, cooking oil, food waste, landscape waste, motor oil, batteries, tires, and hazardous waste. Construction materials frequently recycled include concrete, asphalt, dirt, rock, and metal.

Is waste reduction and recycling part of your business plan?

Artist: Bryan Sperry, "Recycled Evolution"

P.S. Commercial recycling makes so much sense to me.  So why don't you see if you can make a difference at your company? - Liam

Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Red Sox are going to the World Series!! Boston's Baseball Globe

Take Simple Steps

The saying “best alone, better together” is fitting for a major league baseball team, and also holds true when it comes to solutions to climate change . Positive steps like switching to CFLs are good, but are even better when combined with other efforts, such as recycling and conserving water. Share a ride on the way to work. Drink your coffee from a re-useable mug. A strong left fielder can’t make the game if his first baseman can’t catch. Consistency is key in this fight against climate change , so keep up the positive actions. With a little effort, we can all be a team in this cause. Stepping up to bat for the environment is a homerun!

Artist: Thom Cicchelli, “A Perfect Game Plan”

Sponsor: Connors Family Office

P.S. I don't know about you but I think that the Red Sox's teamwork in making it  to the World Series has been a thrill to watch!  If we work together like that to fight climate change, we should be unstoppable! -Liam

Saturday, October 19, 2013

"Walk Your Chalk" Globe

Walk Your Chalk

How will you “leave your mark” on the planet?  Can you help cool this globe?  How will you be part of the solution? Visitors to the Cool Globes Exhibit Opening Day in Boston were invited to write and draw on this globe with chalk.  Responding to the artist’s thought provoking prompts, participants shared their ideas for living a green life, reducing their carbon footprint, and being part of the solution to climate change.  This created a proactive community chalkboard art project with scores of Bostonians taking action, leaving their mark, declaring their determination to cool this globe, to walk what they chalked.

Artist: Nancy Pochis Bank

P.S.  We had the chance to leave our mark on this globe on the opening day.  It was great to contribute our ideas to this interactive globe! - Liam

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Green Roofs Save Energy Globe & The Cool Globes Boston Exhibit Ends Today...

Green Roofs Save Energy

What color is your roof? A green roof is both a roof and a garden. Plants can be grown in containers, emerge from several inches of soil over a waterproof barrier, or make up part of a more elaborate system that includes deeply rooted plants, shrubbery, and trees. Methods exist to allow almost every roof surface to be greened, even sloped or curved roofs. Green roofs are not only attractive, they also add usable green space and reduce heating and cooling needs. Green roofs conserve energy by moderating temperatures on the roof, inside the building, and in surrounding areas.

Be sure to head to the 8th floor of Boston’s City Hall to check out their green rooftop display!

Artist: Deborah Adams Doering, "The Green Roof Solutions Globe”

P.S.  Even though the Cool Globes Boston exhibit ends today and the globes will be removed tomorrow, you can continue to see the globes here as we continue to feature the globes and their descriptions from the plaques until we have posted about all 46 Boston Cool Globes.  So continue to stay tuned! - Liam