Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Naturally kill weeds
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If you are tired of weeding for hours and you want to use weed killer chemicals then think about the environment first. If you look up ways to kill weeds naturally then you can find better alternatives.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Read the Newspaper Online

Hey. Dylan here. Do you know how I like to start my day? I get up in the morning and read the news. Every morning. But instead of of going outside and getting the paper, I just pull it up on my iPad. This saves a lot of paper. In fact, 500,000 trees are needed to create morning papers throughout the U.S. So by reading the news online, we're saving a lot of trees. Trees absorb carbon dioxide so it helps global warming. Let me just also add that on-line newspapers are free! This is Dylan, signing off.

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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Big Energy Opportunity in Chicago

Hi! Dylan here. Who knows what Chicago's nickname is? It's the windy city. Chicago doesn't just get that nickname because it can get windy, it's always windy in Chicago. So isn't there a huge clean energy opportunity there? It's these places that can get us huge clean energy generation. Like I said in my last post, the Midwest has huge clean energy potential because of all the tornadoes. You just have to think and see where you could get these clean energy sources. This is Dylan, signing off.

Conservation Law Foundation

The team at Boston's Conservation Law Foundation is hard at work every day to help ensure that healthy communities and a clean environment are a right for all New Englander residents, not a privilege for the few. CLF's work since 1966 has focused on actively protecting all parts of New England’s environment, including oceans, rivers, mountains, park, forests, big and small towns, from Maine to Rhode Island. The CLF team uses the law, science, and the market to develop novel, practical solutions to New England’s toughest challenges, in order to make New England a better place to live, work, and play for everyone.  Thank you for all your hard work CLF!

Check out their informative website:


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

What If We Could Harness Nature's Fury?

Hi! Dylan here. I just thought about something. Hurricanes and tornadoes generate hundreds of miles per hour of wind, right? So what if we could harness that incredible amount of energy and change it to re-usable energy. That would generate an amazing amount of clean energy. What about tsunamis? The amount of water that tsunamis dump could also generate clean energy. Let's take Hurricane Katrina for example. The winds were about 215 MPH. Just imagine harnessing that incredible amount of energy. Just imagine. Comment on what you think of this idea. This is Dylan, signing off.

Greenovate Boston!

Did you know that the city of Boston is officially going green this summer?  On May 14, 2013, Mayor Menino launched Boston's Greenovate initiative.

Here is its mission statement: 
Greenovate Boston is a community-driven movement to get all Bostonians involved in reducing the city’s greenhouse gas emissions 25% by 2020 and 80% by 2050, as outlined in Mayor Menino’s Climate Action Plan. By laying out the necessary steps to reduce the causes of and to prepare for climate change, the Climate Action Plan gives Greenovate Boston a framework for building a greener, healthier, and more prosperous city.
Check it out and join the movement!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

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This weekend I went to Nantucket with my boyscout troop. The whole weekend I biked and walked.  We left all our cars on the mainland.  It felt really good not to get in a car for 2 days. If you ever go somewhere when it's warm, and if it's possible to bike and/or walk instead of using your car, then do it!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Pay your bills online!

Hey! Dylan here. Another way you can help global warming is if you pay your bills online. Then you won't waste paper. This is Dylan, signing off.

Give your clothes away to a charity

When you or your family grow out of clothes or you just don't like them anymore, then give them to a charity.   It can save all of the fabric and energy required to make new clothes! Liam

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Fill your dishwasher until it is full

You don't have to run your dish washer all the time.  If you fill it completely each time you run it, you can save $40 and 100 lbs. of CO2 emission a year.  It is also less work for you because you don't have to unload it so often!  -Liam
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Saturday, May 11, 2013

Use an E-Ticket

Hi! Dylan here. When you get on an airplane you have to have a ticket, right? Well, processing that ticket cost approximately $10, while processing an e-ticket costs only $1. If we all use e-tickets the amount of paper that we use could go way down. This is Dylan, signing off.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Los Angeles

Hi! Dylan here. About 80 miles north of Los Angeles, the first phase of building Antelope Valley Solar Ranch is complete. When finished, the facility will power 75,000 homes and will generate 230 MW. It will keep 250,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. Every one of these huge projects is helping global warming a ton. It's great that people are giving away their land for the cause.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Early look at some Cool Globes

Me with my siblings, my mom and her close friend, Cool Globes founder Wendy Abrams
In case anyone didn't know, Cool Globes is coming to Boston this summer.  Today I went to a warehouse to look at some of the globes which have arrived from Amsterdam.  They looked great and if going to see them is not on your calender then you should put it on. Cool Globes will be open to the public from August 15th to September 30th, 2013 at the Boston Common. I for one can't wait! -Liam

Monday, May 6, 2013

Buy fresh foods instead of frozen

It takes 10 times more energy to produce frozen foods than fresh foods. If you buy from a local farm your food also taste much better! -Liam.
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Sunday, May 5, 2013

Look what they're doing in Nevada!

Hi. Dylan here. In Seachlight, Nevada there is a 200MW project under construction. The plant will be sitting on 18,949 acres. This plant is 60 miles southeast of Las Vegas. It will supply energy for 70,000 homes. This is Dylan, signing off.